Monday, August 30, 2010

Hello All!

Welcome to our blog! We want to keep in touch with everyone and let you all know what is going on in our lives, even when we cannot see one another. So, we created this blog. We also have skype accounts, so we can video chat!
As most of you know, Christian and I are moving to Seattle. Today we were approved for an apartment in SeaTac which is just outside of Seattle (according to our research). We thought that we were going to be able to move into the apartment on Friday of this week, however, that will not happen until next Tuesday. Because of this scheduling change, we have moved our GTFO party from Thursday evening to Saturday evening. Everyone is welcome! We would love to see you all one last time before we leave!
I am incredibly excited to move! Hopefully Seattle will provide jobs, school and awesome weather!
Thanks for visiting our blog. We hope this can be a place where people can continue to be involved in our lives, and us in theirs! Not that we won't be calling or visiting :)