Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blueberry Ice Cream Fail [-ish]

Ok. I love ice cream. Like, if I had to choose between Christian and ice cream... Well, just don't make me do that. I have been wanting to experiment with my own ice cream for over a year but have been to cheap [or, uh... poor] to buy an ice cream maker. Until yesterday! Plus there is a brand of milk here [Kalispell Kreamery] that is just too good not to make ice cream out of.

So I made blueberry ice cream with sweetened condensed milk. Not a wild success, only because the texture is weird. I think the milk mixture may have cooked a little too long. But the flavor is great! It's not too sweet [my only qualm with Ben & Jerry's]; aside from the condensed milk it has only a tablespoon of brown sugar. And I think the condensed milk gives it an interesting flavor. I will have to make this again and be more careful about the cooking or just omit the eggs and not cook it at all. Anyways, here is my ah-mazing recipe [sarcasm intended]:

Blueberry Ice Cream with Sweetened Condensed Milk

3 cups heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
3 egg yolks
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 1/2 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 can sweetened condensed milk

~Combine the cream and milk in a saucepan and heat on low until it just starts to simmer. Remove from heat.
~Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks together well in a medium bowl. Add in brown sugar.
~Temper the egg and sugar mixture into the milk. To do so, pour the milk very slowly into the egg mixture [so the egg doesn't cook as you add the hot cream].
~Return the mixture to saucepan and heat on low until the mixture will coat a spoon [about 170° to 175°].
~Remove from heat. Add the blueberries. Pour into a container and let cool at room temperature for 30 minutes.
~Cover the container and let cool overnight in the refrigerator.
~Pour into ice cream maker and follow manufacturers instructions.

Dre's First Day

Hello All!
This is my project for documenting my creations, thoughts and life. So enjoy the ridiculously adventurous ride [I am going to have to find a way for my sarcasm to shine through the written word].
Anyhow, I hope that this will help those of you that care keep in touch and feel included in my life. And I am just excited to be able to look back years from now and laugh at myself, and feel nostalgic [should I be feeding my already intense need for nostalgia?].
Well here goes.