Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Monthly Challenge Numero Tres: Writing Positivity [Take Two]

Sound familiar? Well, you are not going crazy, here is what happened.

After I committed to writing for one month about positive things with the intention of improving my world view [you can see the original blog post here], I wrote exactly nothing. Nothing.

So, here is my second chance at the experiment. This month I vow to write about uplifting, inspiring or simply positive subjects.

Wish me better luck this time ;)

Friday, February 24, 2012


I was recently listening to a podcast that was talking about how when one decides to design their own custom home, they go through every little detail so that the resulting house is precisely what they want and is tailored to their needs and desires, however one rarely takes that amount of time and thought to design their own life. The podcaster suggested that we take the time to design what our ideal life would be down to the details [i.e. more than just saying "I want a comfortable salary at a job I don't hate, a loving spouse and two healthy children"] So, here is my ideal life [for now, my plans have a way of changing.]

Ultimately my dream is to share a three to five acre homestead with Christian and two little Laws'. I want to grow the majority of our fruits and veggies. I want to raise chickens for eggs. I would love to have goats for dairy. I want to raise cows and rabbits for meat. I want to hunt buck for meat. I want to fish. I want to hand make our cosmetics like toothpaste, soaps and any other consumable. I want to have babies. I want those babies to be fed real food out of our garden. I want them to be happy. I want them to grow up in a place that they can rummage around and be filthy, weird kids like my sister and I were without me having to worry about them being picked off by some creep. I want to home-school them. Above all, I want our kids to grow up never doubting our love for them. I want Christian to be happy. I hope that Christian and I never forget how to snuggle. I want to feel the safety and tenderness of his arms forever. I want our house to be warm, friendly and welcoming to all, always. I want to grow enough food to donate to those who are hungry. I want to live in a way that our family is mostly self sufficient.

In the meantime I would love to enjoy my time in Bozeman with Christian. I want to go on more hikes. I want to snowshoe. I want to learn how to fish and hunt. I want to learn as much as I can about farming, homesteading, animal husbandry, whole living and natural parenting in the four years that Christian will be attending MSU. I want to shop at the co-op, get veggies from a CSA and just generally eat good quality food. I want to avoid pharmaceuticals of any kind as much as possible. I want to run a marathon and then participate in a triathlon. I hope Christian enjoys school. I want to cook with Christian frequently. I really just want to enjoy life and not just let the years pass me by without truly experiencing life.

Well, there it is. In a year I could look back on this and think I was crazy, but for now this is what I am working toward. I am excited about living life. I hope you are, too.