Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Sometimes it is deeply refreshing to run in the pouring rain.

Excuse the excessive darkness under my eyes, I swear it is mostly mascara.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bass Players

This just made me laugh. Probably because I am in love with a bassist.

Truth: Fewer things are more attractive than a good man playing an instrument.

Who's with me?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Guilty Pleasure: Teen Mom

Well, if I am admitting to watching [and thoroughly enjoying] 'Teen Mom', I might as well confess to watching '16 & Pregnant' and 'Teen Mom 2'.

But seriously, MTV catches a bit of flack for these shows "glamorizing teen pregnancy," which is clearly coming from people who have never actually watched the show. To say that anything in these shows is glamorous is a complete, outright lie.

I find it really interesting to watch the people in these shows, analyze the choices that they make and see who steps up and who bails out. Also, with the 'Teen Mom' shows, you get to see people change and progress as well as make the same mistakes over and over. Some of the moms [and dads] are surprisingly better than the majority of parents I come into contact with on a daily basis, and others seem to be just letting their lives spin out of control with their child becoming collateral damage. If anything, I think the 'Teen Mom' shows really illustrate the hardships and heartbreak that comes with having a child so young. I may actually force my children to watch these shows so that they can make better informed decisions when the time comes.

What I find nice, is that the teens who seem to take to parenting easier are those with healthy relationships with parents who are very supportive. Now, don't get me wrong, I would be super disappointed if my kid got pregnant at such a young age. However, in the end I would help them as much as I could while still encouraging them to be independent and gradually weaning them off of my support. But to just throw your child out the minute you learn that they are pregnant [or as soon as they give birth] is a bit harsh. These children already have so much that they are dealing with, to have a supportive and stable home environment seems to make a huge difference amidst the drama of intimate relationships, loss of friends and learning to be a parent.

I will admit that continuing the '16 & Pregnant' series seems a bit unethical, because some teens may get pregnant just so they have a chance of getting their 15 minutes of fame from MTV. Granted, you would have to be a moron to do this, but what teenager doesn't make horrible decisions? How MTV goes about recruiting teen preggos for the show, I don't know. I would hope that they have found a respectful and ethical way of doing so, but who knows.

Anyhow, there is my defense for liking such a trashy show.

Monday, March 5, 2012

California... Knows How to Party

California... Knows How to Party
In the Citaaay of [Roseville]

I know it has been a while, but I finally got around to posting some pics from our trip to California.

It was nice that we were able to schedule a time that Bryan, Angie, Christian and I could all go to CA together. It was so good to see them :)

I really enjoyed spending time with Joelle and her adorable little one.

Landon was just a bundle of grins and fun when I visited. I loved hanging out with him and his awesome mama.


I just love that all of these guys still hang out. They are all wonderful men!

Old friends and new babies. Joelle was such an adorable social butterfly.

So much fun getting to spend time with this great couple :)

Sibs, take 2.

I have far too many pictures of Christian and Dustin showing a little too much love.

Christian missed Huey and was very excited to see him.

I really don't know what to say.

Baby Abby was so funny. She stared at Christian like this for a while. She wasn't too sure what to think of him.

Thank you to all who made the time to see us and hang out, I know many of you were busy and it means a lot that we got to see you! We had a ton of fun, and we hope to be back to visit next winter.

Love you all. Thanks for the fun memories :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Remember... "You Trust Me"

So, something I have always wanted to do is write down mine and Christian's love story [Is that the correct way to word that? If not please let me know because it always gets me]. So, I think I might write little tidbits of it here and there when I feel inspired, with the intention of maybe having a full story someday. Plus, this fits into my current monthly goal of writing positive things. Admittedly this is completely narcissistic, but hey this is a blog about me and Christian, so it is only fitting that I reminisce about how we got to be where we are today.

Anyhow, in this blog post I remember the first time I fell asleep with Christian. I should really say next to Christian because with suggests that he also slept, which he didn't. He suffered through a terrible romantic comedy.

I can't remember exactly how long we had officially been together, but it couldn't have been more than a month or so. He came over to my house to hang out and we decided to watch a movie. We plucked Elizabethtown from my mom's large, but severely lacking selection of DVDs. Although at the time the movie itself didn't seem to matter at all, we just wanted to be together. I would have been happy watching Jerry Springer, as long as I could make fun of it with Christian.

Anyway, I was apparently really tired from a long day of being a carefree, unemployed teenager [Hey, it's a tough job!] and at some point during the movie I fell asleep, my head resting on Christian's chest. When I woke up Christian smiled at me and gave me his "I love you" face [though, I did not recognize it as such at the time] and said "you fell asleep on me." And I was thinking, "Okay, I don't know why that would make him so happy, so I fell asleep during a movie. Happens all the time" - even now. [Although I'm not sure how much Christian loves it now that he has to explain the second 3.5 hours of Lord of the Rings to me because I have fallen asleep.] After a period of silence he said, "You trust me. You don't fall asleep on someone if you don't completely trust them." It was so sweet that it meant so much to him. I was certainly falling in love [despite the best efforts of a close friend - among others - to prevent this from happening, but that storyline may make an appearance in the future :)].

And I still have not seen the end of the movie, but I hear that it is awful.