Monday, September 6, 2010

Goodbye Roseville

I have had my complaints and I have spoken critically of Roseville many-a-time, but I am leaving now and it is time to reminisce. In all honesty Roseville has provided many of the people, places and experiences that have shaped me who into the person I am today.
I have met some of the most incredible people I have ever known in Roseville. I remember meeting Emily on the bus in Junior High. She is still one of my closest friends and has seen me through everything. Technically, I met Mariah in the Philippines, but I think it counts. She was an amazing mentor and church leader. Mariah has influenced my life more than she will ever know. Stephanie Wetzel. Speechless. Of all the people I met in Roseville, the most important are Christian and his family. They have welcomed me, loved me and above all made me laugh. Amy is the sweetest and most genuine person I have ever met. Bryan. Well, I don't know anyone else who will help you move couches, refrigerators and other heavy furniture at a moments notice in the middle of the night - several times. I know I can always call Scott if Christian and I cannot think of the name for "zamboni". I share an indescribable connection with Kelly - an ice cream addiction. And Julie is the most honest, loving and quirky person that I have been blessed to know. I love you all and thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives. (Ok, I must move on before the tears really start to flow)
Roseville has provided so many venues, natural areas and roads that have been "homes" to me at different periods of my life. When I was troubled, I could always go into the Underground and feel safe and loved. On days I could not stand being at school, I would drive down Cavitt Stallman and Auburn-Folsom blaring my music to work things out. Emily's house has always felt like a home to me! Christian and I shared our first (amazing) kiss at the park up Sierra College. And, of course, Granite Bay High School where I fell in love, danced my heart out, had my heart broken, fell up the stairs, and learned about life.
There are also some unforgettable experiences that have happened in Roseville. Hanging out at the galleria with friends. I remember the time that Juliet told me that she knew what I was going through and that if I ever needed anything, she would be there. Doing sports yoga with Emily and Dr Voigtlander. There were the billion walks to the lake and playing on the dam. I loved night swimming with Sophia. And, of course, marrying Christian in my backyard :-)
I guess Roseville has been a beautiful place for me, but I am moving on to different adventures. While I will not miss the unpleasant weather and lack of excitement, I will miss the people that it has brought into my life. Roseville has been my home and has provided a place for me to think and become myself. Thank you and goodbye.

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