Thursday, September 16, 2010

Seattle: ???

This week I have had two interesting discoveries:
One, I learned that Christian and I can pack up move out of an apartment that we just moved in to in under and hour - quite an accomplishment if you ask me.
Two, when you do not have a home, your key ring becomes oddly small.

Anyways, Christian and I do not know what we are going to do next. So, in the meantime we are headed to Montana to visit my mom and Jennifer. It will be nice to have some time to just chill out, regroup and figure out where we are going to go from here. We are pretty sure that we do not want to stay in Seattle. It may be that we were shot at (or that we have been in Roseville too long), but we have driven all over the city and have not found a neighborhood that we feel comfortable in. However, we left Roseville for a reason and going back seems like defeat. We really do not know where we are headed from here, but we are okay and open-minded.

The person who shot at us was arrested the other day and we went in to give our statements. He is being booked on assault and possession of illegal firearms. He is claiming that he was cleaning his gun when it went off, so we'll see what happens with that.

We will keep you posted!

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