Monday, April 23, 2012

Hiking 'The M'

Yesterday Christian and I decided to get out and do something fun. Most of the two weeks we have been in Bozeman has been spent working, moving and running errands to get settled, so we needed an adventure.

One of the most popular [and easiest] hikes in Bozeman, is hiking to the M. Which is literally hiking to a giant 'M' on a nearby hill. The M stands for MSU and was erected sometime in the early 1900's [I am too lazy to google the exact date].

We had a leisurely hike going up the "easy" way [there are 3 routes to the top]. There was a nice view of the city and surrounding open land from the top. We discussed the possibility of having our future farm on the land nearby. We witnessed a para-glider glide down from the M [and saw his friend wipe out a couple of times attempting the same fete].

However, we met with great adversity on the way down because we somehow ended up on the Everest-steep route. I crab-crawled [okay, I scooted like a toddler on my ass- I have an extreme fear of heights] down the rocky cliff as children and mothers with children on their backs carefully hiked down passing me [though I did see one chick skid down, unintentionally]. This thoroughly embarrassed Christian, but we made it down without incident.

That city that you see in the distance is our new home.

We had a great first hike in Bozeman. Hopefully we will be hiking a bunch this summer :)

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

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