Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Six Years Ago...

 ...the U.S. was having a bad day with Daniel Powter, rooting for Ricky Bobby at Talladega Nights, falling in love with a charming new serial killer known as Dexter, launching New Horizons spacecraft to Pulto, and mourning the loss of everyone's favorite Aussi and crocodile hunter. But most importantly Christian and I were falling in love. And we decided to celebrate that on May 20 [I know, I am writing this a bit late, oh well].

I already wrote about the trail we hiked that morning [here], which was absolutely beautiful.

Then, we walked around downtown just kind of exploring for a few hours. It happened to be a gloriously warm and gorgeous day.

We decided to treat each other to a couple of things each of us had wanted for a while.

This is the cast iron skillet Christian wanted. He was really excited to have a smaller version of his existing cast iron. He has already made tasty use of it, so I think it was a worthwhile investment.

And the herbs I wanted.

And more herbs. Christian will eventually be able to use these to make even tastier dishes. [He is a completely awesome cook, by the way, but more on that another time.]

And finally we went out to enjoy some sushi, which was utterly wonderful. There is just nothing that satisfies like plumb saki, salmon and cream cheese. Mmmm.

We had a really awesome "togetherness" anniversary. I think it still somewhat confuses Christian that I want to celebrate both our wedding anniversary and this anniversary, but he enjoys it.


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