Friday, September 9, 2011


Christian and I think that life is more fun with pets [well, most of the time ;)]. So, we got two kitties about a month ago. Meet Luke and Leia:

O hai. I iz Leia. I luv tois lyk kurtins and aprons. I iz energetik kitteh. I iz noktural, isn't that interesting? I iz skeptikal of most sings and I dunt reerly lyke being held. Hoomins eat yummy smerring stuff, I lyke to have a bit erey now and then. I lyke to has sleepy on the warm kontrapshun that the hoomins are aways rooking at. See rue yater!

Tranlation: Hello, I am Leia. I like to get into trouble and play with things that are not meant to be kitty toys. I climb the curtains and I am constantly trying to pull the aprons down from where they hang. Oh, and I wake up at 5am and like to put my nose in my human's face and purr as loudly as I possibly can. And then I sleep all day. I am a bit shy, but I will snuggle with my humans on my own terms. I love to beg for human food and I have no shame in just taking food right from my human's plate. My favorite place to sleep is the computer, but only when my human's are using it. Yay! Good to meet you!

Oh hai. I iz Luke. You luk fun! Can I rubz my face on you? Do you rant to hold me, preeez? I luvz mah hoomins! I getz up early as sun to spend tyme wif them. They lykes it. I luvz to race my hoomins tru the house. They lykes it. I cant stand it wen mah hoomins reave, so I wait for zem by the big opening. They lykes it. My toi-box under the synk iz the best, such fun tois in there. I luv the windos. I lyke to walk on the kontrapshun that makes noyz. I lyke to uze the big blac box as skraching post. I LUV TOEZ!!! I luv bein skwirt with water! Byze!!

Translation: Hello, I am Luke. Do you want to play? I am a bit of an attention whore. I want to be in my human's face ALL THE TIME. I wake up a bit earlier than my sister, I am usually up and bothering my human's by 3:30am. I love to run, especially when I can do so in between the legs of my human's as they are walking around the house. Oh, and I love to wait by the door while my human's are out, so when they get back I can try to escape. It is funny to watch them fumble with keys and bags while I try to get out. Muahahahaha. The trash is my favorite place to find new toys. And isn't climbing screens the best? I am a very talkative kitty. If one of my humans is on the computer, you can bet that I will be trying to walk all over the keyboard. I like to claw at my human's amp, nice and soft. Boy do I love nibbling at the short-haired human's toes. The humans seem to like water fights, they are always squirting me with a spray bottle when I am doing my favorite things, but that is ok because now I like it! Yay! Nice to meet you!

Ok. So my kitty speak is not great, but you get the picture.

In all seriousness we are having a lot of fun!


  1. hahaha! Reminds me of stud and sassy. They are too cute! Just a hint: Our cats don't exactly dislike the water bottle either. But they do not like being shot with nerf guns! I have them strategically placed throughout the house. Only thing is, they do like the ammo once the gun is put away.

  2. Lol. That is a great idea, I will have to try it!
