Thursday, September 15, 2011

Raspberry Lemon Jam

Over the summer, Christian and I discovered that our side yard is covered with raspberry bushes, and they were producing like crazy. We ended up with a gallon sized bag full of raspberries. Yay, free food! So, one way to use up a good amount of these bad boys was to make jam.
Plain raspberry jam would be too boring. I had some rhubarb, but that combination sounded too tart. So, I decided to use some left-over lemons and make raspberry/lemon jam. Yum. It turned out really well. Here is the recipe:

Raspberry Lemon Jam

4 cups raspberries
1 cup lemon meat*
1/2 cup lemon zest
4 cups sugar

* Very technical term, I know ;) Peel the lemon, separate into sections. Then slice each section open and peel off the tough skin, leaving only the meaty part of the lemon [does that make sense?]. This is what it should look like:

Moving on:

~ Place the raspberries, lemon meat, and lemon zest into a large sauce pan and bring to a boil. Mash the mixture with a potato masher as it is heating. Boil mixture at a full boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
~ Add sugar. Bring back to a boil and let boil until gelled, about 5 minutes.
~ Ladle into sterilized jars. Let sit at room temperature until jars have sealed.
~ Enjoy!

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