Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bozeman ♥

Recently Christian and I decided that we don't want to spend the rest of our lives earning minimum wage at service jobs [I know, right?]. So, that brought us back to the idea of school, which we had put off in part because it was nearly impossible in California with tuition hikes and Sac State not even accepting applications. Being in Montana [1 of 2 U.S. states running a surplus], it is actually possible to go to school because their education system has not suffered the major cuts that many other states have experienced. So, Christian and I applied and were accepted [!!!] to MSU Bozeman. He is going into their engineering program, and I have not decided between English and environmental studies [opinions and comments would be appreciated on that one].

So, a few weeks ago we decided to drive down and check out the campus and the city [we didn't want to pull another Seattle]. In short, we love Bozeman! The campus is really beautiful, they even have a warmed pond so that ducks stay all year round! The area is picturesque. Bozeman offers tons of outdoorsy [< that's actually a word] stuff and the school has all kinds of equipment rentals for super cheap. And there is an awesome co-op downtown! Obviously we have decided to go, we start in fall 2012; so we will be moving down there late spring or early summer. Yay!

This is a portion of the campus.

See, how cute?

A glimpse of downtown and the Co-Op.

Some swag.

My cousin, Chad, graduated from MSU. After he passed, this bench was erected in his memory at a Bozeman park. It was nice to finally see his little memorial :)

And here, Christian and I are sitting on a climbing rock that was partially donated by my aunt and uncle in memory of Chad.

We had a really awesome trip in many ways. We were able to see the school and fell in love with Bozeman. And I was able to visit a little piece of Chad. It was really wonderful.

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