Thursday, December 15, 2011

Podcast Love: Democracy Now!

I listen to a lot of podcasts. A lot. One of my jobs is going around cleaning machines at a gym, which is awesome because I don't have to talk to anyone. So, I listen to about 20 hours of podcasts/books a week.
For a long time I intentionally avoided the news. I was not interested in hearing a corporation's opinion of the news, however I found myself yearning for raw news. Knowing that this is largely impossible, I looked for a news source as minimally spun as I could find. This is what I have found in "Democracy Now!".

Democracy Now! offers a combination of global and domestic news in a one hour podcast or video per weekday. They offer interviews with a variety of people from a variety of different backgrounds. They usually go to the site of the news themselves, or contact a corespondent who is at the site, so most of their news is first hand. I also like that Democracy Now! is a relatively small organization and is entirely listener supported. This leaves much less room for corruption than their corporate news giant counterparts. If you are looking for a generally trustworthy news source, I highly recommend Democracy Now!.

All that being said, it is important to use your beautiful brain and awesome critical thinking skills when listening to any news, because almost all news is spun, though some much more than others. I won't point fingers except to say that a certain [Murdoch-owned] news source can be likened to the anti-Christ. And, not to get off topic, but any information you receive from any source should be filtered and researched, not simply accepted [even teachers, professors, parents and any authority figure can be misinformed].

"How fortunate for the governments that the people they administer don't think." - Adolf Hitler

Let's try to be informed as much as we can. Let's make sure that everything we believe has gone through our b*ll-sh*t filter. Let's remember that we are all a part of the community of humanity. Whether you are the 99% or the 1%, we are all one.

[That kind of ended up being a bit of a jumble of thoughts that only loosely relate. Sorry]

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