Sunday, December 4, 2011

Snowy Goodness

This morning we woke up to snow, which was a ton of fun because all of the snow that fell a few weeks ago has long since melted and been forgotten [the forecast is calling for sun for the next 7 days, so looks like this bit of snow is not here to stay, either].

I thought I would share some of our snow pictures. Most of these are actually from the last time it snowed a bunch.

Cute story: The first day that it snowed like 4 inches overnight, I had to work at 7am. Christian woke up and walked me nearly a mile to work to make sure I made it there okay in the snowy darkness [the sun doesn't wake up 'round here till about 7:45am]. For those of you who are unaware, Christian does not wake easily. Sometimes it can feel like you are trying to wake Lazarus from the dead [and then it is a miracle when he finally opens his eyes and stands up]. So, this was quite an endearing little feat. What a wonderful guy, right? I just love him.

Well, on to the pictures...

This is about the snowiest it has become since we have been here [but when I visited last winter I saw the snow at its peak, so I believe we are in for a whole lot more.]

I think this was the very first time it snowed :)

I have no idea what cute little animal is responsible for these tracks, but I see them everywhere. Any guesses?

Any guesses on these? Lol [at least I make myself laugh].

I will certainly post more pictures of the snow if we ever get more than a few inches. I guess it is quite odd that we have not accumulated a few feet of snow yet. Global warming *shakes head*.

And it is almost official that we will be back in the ville of roses in February, so mark your calendars, ladies and gents.

Hope you all are enjoying the holiday season!


  1. Those little feet look like a raccoon to me! And yay! February!

  2. ITS THE CHUBACABRA Be careful walking to the car at night!
