Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Doing the Laundry

I started making my own laundry detergent mainly because the store bought variety is so expensive. And the cheaper stuff is way too perfume-y. Since then, I have become more aware that detergents are hard on your clothes and your body, which is why so many people experience allergic reactions to laundry detergents.

Simple water is enough to clean most laundry, but if you need more peace of mind [like I do], there is a middle ground between just water and harsh detergents: homemade laundry soap. I have made a couple of different kinds and this is one that is easy to make and works very well. It is completely non-toxic and uses only natural ingredients. If you would like, you can add some essential oil for fragrance and antibacterial properties, but I find that the scent in the bar soap is enough [and I use the eucalyptus kind for it's antibacterial properties]. One batch of this should last a while, because you only need about a tablespoon or two per load.
Well, I hope you try it and have fun!

Laundry Soap

2 cups Dr Bronners Classic Bar Soap [any scent], finely grated
1 cup baking soda
1 cup washing soda
1 cup borax soap

Mix together. Use 2 tbsp per load.

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