Saturday, October 1, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Since the mainstream media has displayed a major lack of interest in this movement, I find it necessary to post about.

photo via

Occupy Wall Street is a non-partisan group of people coming from all creeds, races and genders to come together as the "99%" of the population who want to abolish the greed and corruption of the 1% of people who are running this country politically and financially. They continue to lead a peaceful demonstration near Wall Street [or the "financial district"] in New York City that began on September 17. The group has been criticized for not having a clear goal or set of demands. However, I find that empowering because they are not asking for a single thing, they are asking for many things that will empower the 99% and cause an entire systematic change in how the US government is run. They are bringing light to the fact that it is not one issue or another, the whole system has broken down. Their overall goal is to abolish the unwavering corporate influence over US policy and economy.

The group has experienced police abuse. There are reports of people being barricaded in and then pepper-sprayed without just cause or warning. Reports of police being overly violent for the situation. I am proud of the people who have continued to show up despite this unfair treatment by those who are supposed to protect our right to freedom of speech. If the police will not protect them, then they need to continue to show the police that they are not afraid. And that the behavior of the police is only more evidence that this demonstration is necessary. Also, when CNN and FOX were informed about this police brutality, they chose not to report it and actually hung up on the people calling to let them know what was happening. Again, more affirmation that this cause is essential to taking back our country.

Since this demonstration began, more cities have come up and joined the group. The movement has now spread to Chicago IL, Cincinnati OH, Cleveland OH, Columbus OH, Indiana, Indianapolis IN, Kansas City MO, Michigan, Minnesota, Omaha NE, St Louis MO, Tulsa OK, Wisconsin, Albany NY, Binghamton NY, Boston MA, DC, Hartford CT, Maine, New Haven CT, New Jersey, Philadelphia PA, Pittsburgh PA, Providence RI, Rochester NY, Vermont, Arkansas, Ashville NC, Atlanta GA, Birmingham AL, Charlotte NC, Clarksville TN, Columbus GA, Daytona Beach FL, Durham NC, Florence SC, Greensboro NC, Jacksonville FL, Knoxville TN, Lexington KY, Louisville KY, Memphis TN, Mississippi, Nashville TN, New Orleans LA, Orlando FL, Richmond VA, Tallahassee FL, Tampa FL, Winston Salem NC, Albequerque NM, Austin TX, Dallas TX, Houston TX, Phoenix AZ, San Antonio TX, Boise ID, Colorado Springs CO, Denver CO, Eugene OR, Las Vegas NV, Los Angeles CA, Olympia WA, Portland OR, Sacramento CA, Salt Lake City UT, San Diego CA, San Francisco CA, San Jose CA, Santa Cruz CA, Seattle WA, and Spokane WA. I encourage everyone to check out to see what they are about and what they are doing. If you are near one of these cities, I encourage you to explore to see what they are about [or just click the link for the city you are nearest].

I am very proud of these people and groups, and if I were remotely close to any of these areas you can bet that I would be right there with them. Good for you! I am sending you good thoughts and appreciation from afar.

I believe that the freedom of speech is the single most sacred freedom that we [sorta] still have as Americans. It is important that we use this freedom to express our disappointment in how our government is run. When you don't have money or power as an individual, you can come together as a group and demonstrate your power in numbers. The middle and lower class have the benefit of outnumbering the elite by an astronomical amount of people. This is our power. Let the government know what you want. This is our time. This is our freedom. Much can be accomplished through peaceful protest. Thank you, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr for showing the world the power of dedication and people unifying as one group. My challenge to you [and me] is to learn to put aside our differences to make this world a better and more peaceful place for everyone. We can do it, if only we come together.

"We are the 99%"

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