Saturday, July 23, 2011

Food Porn?!

Yep, I struggle with it. I visit ThisIsWhyYoureHuge and My Food Looks Funny far too often. A lot of what is on these sites is just food that looks like it has a face or something goofy like that, but some of it is what I like to call "train wreck food."
Have you ever thought that something looked so gross, that you actually wanted to try it? Yeah, thats what I mean by train wreck food. I looks so disgusting that you must get into your kitchen and try to recreate it - immediately. I have done this [more than once]. I guess my food porn addiction is getting worse. Here is the evidence of one attempt:

That is a recreation of a pancake cake [layers of peanut butter, nutella, marshmallow fluff, and frosting sprinkled with crushed oreos, bananas and sixlets between pancakes], to be fair this was at the request of my sister, but still.
These websites are supremely addicting. The things that people come up with are genuinely interesting. Pizza tacos, spam popsicles, bacon everything... It's just so much fun to browse through all the photos.
Oh, well. We all have our vices. Let the creations continue!

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