Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Our Garden

I could not be more excited to have a house where we can plant lots of fruits, veggies and herbs. So far we have planted the following:

bell peppers and strawberries

here is one of our baby orange bell peppers

cherry tomatoes in a topsy turvy [we'll see how this works]

pickling cucumbers [Christian wants us to be "picklers"]

[sad] beefsteak tomatoes, grown the typical way

zucchini [I have a ton of baking recipes for zucchini that I cannot wait to try]

pink lemon tree [it probably won't produce this year, but it is so pretty]

basil, oregano, cilantro and rosemary

and finally our three potential herbs, we'll see what I find to put in these

Our strawberries and tomatoes are currently being stolen by some bad-news-birds so I need to find a way to remedy this. I cannot wait for all of our plants to produce so we can make lots of fun stuff with all of it. I'll keep you updated with our garden and fun creations.


  1. Awwww! I love it! How wonderful! I am jealous.

    And for the birds -- you can try putting netting over them, or tie those shiny streamers that blow in the wind to scare them off.

  2. Good ideas! Thanks, Em. I hope it works!
